Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Out of Exile

Something that I wrote during my placement season of 2008-09. Don't know why I never posted it. But here goes..

Being jobless is an altogether interesting experience. Not only do I get to sleep all day long in my room,the varied range of emotions that I get to go through everyday amazes me. I never thought that I would get to feel all of it within a matter of few days. The joy that I felt when I got drunk on one of my despondent, dejected acquaintances' getting through a top notch job was heartfelt. And the jealousy that came along with the hangover was devastating to say the least. Cynical happiness uplifted my spirit to a new abyss as and when I heard the news of someone not making through. The misery that fate splashed across the faces of the rejected, keeps getting compounded with the passing of each day; misery becomes happiness when measured relatively; I feel happy.
I feel amused at the circus the "placement season" has become. I feel vindicated when the true colours of any individual is revealed. I am not a friend anymore; I am a"threat" to others' livelihood.A "threat"? And I thought I was "mostly harmless"!! The thin line between good and bad has vanished and the "bourgeois" are behaving like men on a sinking ship; "Every man for himself". And what do I do amid all this melee ?I sit back in my room; smile at the chaos that humanity or lets' say a part of it is creating; smack my lips; relish the fact that eventually "man" will devour "man" and wish "How cool it would be to have my canines grow like that of a vampire?".
It would make me more human...........


Tripping on Nothing said...

Good Stuff! :)

Divita said...

Someone's on a writing spree and coming up with good stuff!
I would have liked it more had you not let the last line trail with dots...but that is irrelevant in the bigger picture. :)

Arthur Dent said...

Thanks Tripping :-)

Arthur Dent said...

A blogger friend of mine once advised me that writing keeps us in sync with ourselves. Just doing that. Thank you for the appreciation, divita!

bledoredum said...

nice one pari..deep stuff