Sunday, April 13, 2008


As I sit enchanted with my eyes fixed on the television screen, watching the latest tragedy that strikes one of the characters in one of the most watched prime time soap opera, I can’t help but chuckle gleefully. “Another one bites the dust”, I think. “Serves him right”, I mutter under my breath. Yes; tragedies enthrall me… I derive perverse pleasure from the non-sensical, yet satiating pain that man bestows to the other of his kind….

Sadist though I may sound, yet I am no different from you.; you, who consider yourself an epitome of rectitude and all that is or is supposedly right with mankind. I am a voyeur……just like you .I have my fetishes; just like you. The only thing separates you from me is that I can accept my follies as a human being; you however would not; for the fear of being showing to the world what you truly are.

I am not being harsh on you. I have no intention of publicly humiliating you. I only want to tell you that humanity is truly, and in all essence nothing but a giant mass of voyeurs, sadists and vengeful creatures. Hidden beneath your mask of uprightness there is a lurking voyeur which takes control of you when you try to peep into the lives of others; when you derive happiness from the pain of others. This voyeur is your identity when you discuss the latest grapevine; when you nose around to find what your neighbor is up to; and yes, even when you watch those idiotic soap operas. You live vicariously through the lives of others; enjoying pain, depravity and life itself.

I have not seen vampires, nor have I seen a carnivore tear apart its prey, but I have seen human beings. We are a species that enjoys tragedies like no other species. Tragedies are to human beings what blood is to vampires. We all feed on them; part voyeurs, part vampires, part carnivores; we are homo sapiens. It would be credulous on your part to believe that there are angels in the hearts of men; our world has always been a man eat man world; it is hostile and at times impersonal and impossible. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was one and the same person; the good and the bad intertwined into one. Like the colour grey; mix of black and white. The world is so colourful yet the only colour that describes us humans is grey…. .reality is always grim.

Don’t run from yourself; don’t hide yourself from the world. Your brethren are also humans who are just like you. Accept your design, for you are what you are; VOYEUR, VAMPIRE, CARNIVORE, PERVERT, AND ABOVE ALL, HUMAN…………